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March/April #2

Writer: S. CiaramitaroS. Ciaramitaro

Ambassadors for Hunger

Hi Everyone! Last time, we saw Benedict have a strange reaction to the service project for the Albumen Breakfast Stop (the ABS). But, he also wanted to include Sonny on the baseball team to make up for his bullying of him when he was younger. So - what IS going on with Benedict?

Let's Tour ABS

The Eggs met on Saturday morning at the Albumen Breakfast Stop. They were met by Mr. Crackle, who in addition to running Operation Egg Equip and his own greenhouse, he ALSO volunteers once a month at ABS. The Eggs were delighted to see him again.

Mr. Crackle gave them a tour of the facility, showing them the supply room first. It was full of canned goods and other nutritious food. It was also filled with boxes, which he explained will be put on the assembly line and filled with the food. He then showed them the enormous kitchen, where many volunteers were working to get today's lunch put together for their guests. "Wow," said Greggory. "This is a great place!"

Now It Makes Sense

For the last part of the tour, Mr. Crackle showed a video of the history of ABS. At the end of the video, a family with a young little Egg were waving to the camera. The Eggs were shocked to see that the little Egg was Benedict! "Oh now we understand why he didn't want to participate in this service - he feels embarrassed," remarked Seggourney.

After a bit of silence, Coach Flo and Seggourney also shared that they needed the help of ABS at one time in the lives. Their heart went out to Benedict and decided to talk to him so he didn't feel alone. They also wanted to tell him that he had nothing to be embarrassed about. The ABS exists to help people get on their feet, and all people need help sometime. We're all in this together.

A Light Bulb Moment

The next day, Coach Flo and Seggourney talked with Benedict. He was uncomfortable at first, but after he found out they both needed assistance at one point, he was surprised but felt relieved. "I've been looking at this all wrong," he said. "I need to help the ABS because they helped me. Everyone needs a little help sometime." Coach Flo and Seggourney were happy to see Benedict's realization. He agreed to join them on Saturday at ABS. He also knew Sonny's family would be eating breakfast there and he wanted to be the one to serve them!


Saturday came and the Eggs, including Benedict, were busy packing food boxes. They packed over 100! The time came for them to serve in the food line. Benedict was scanning the line for Sonny's family. He finally spotted them! As they approached, he gave them heaping portions of eggs, sausage, and toast. Sonny smiled at Benedict. The Eggs were exhausted at the end of the morning but felt good to be able to volunteer.

Family Activity

Hunger is a serious problem throughout the world. It is one of the most basic of needs that every human has, yet there are so many people suffering from lack of food. Hunger for most of us and most of our children is when we haven’t eaten for four to six hours. We can’t even imagine the effects of the real hunger that many people experience. Hunger weakens the body physically, psychologically, cognitively, behaviorally, and emotionally. People, especially children, who are hungry have a difficult time functioning in the everyday world.

  • Following the premise that education about hunger is key, dig a little deeper on the UN’s World Food Programme site. Look at the world hunger map and discuss the countries with your kids. They may have a favorite country to talk about or even know people from one of the countries. It makes for great discussion.

See you next time as the Eggs wrap-up their service to the ABS!

Wishing you all GOOD things,




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