An Official Tea Ceremony

As the Eggs wrapped up their visit to Japan, they were treated to a very special afternoon – a
Japanese Tea Ceremony! They were given green tea and a small meal. The Eggs enjoyed learning about this wonderful ceremony filled with politeness and respect.
Game Time!
Last week we learned that the Eggs would play a practice game with a Japanese baseball team.

They were bursting with excitement as game day approached. They felt they could really help the Japanese team. After all, they did come in first place last year!
It was soon time for the big game – “Batter up!” shouted Coach Flo. Seggourney got a hit and ran to first base. Reggie and Megg both struck out, however, Greggory got a double. The game continued with each team hitting the ball with equal skill.
Some innings the Eggs were ahead; some the Japanese team pulled ahead. Takumi was up to bat
and hit a double, which pulled the Eggs ahead, but in the end, the Japanese team won by three. It was a great time had by all.
“Great game,” said the Japanese coach. “You really helped us prepare for our season.”
“This was really cool,” said Benedict. “We live so far away from this team but we have so much in common with them.”
Ojii-san smiled at Benedict, “You are beginning to learn . . .”
Time to Leave
The Eggs exchanged address information with Takumi and Ojii-san. Benedict noticed Mt. Fuji in the distance as they were getting ready to board the plane.
“Takumi, is that Mt. Fuji?” he asked.
“Yes,” Takumi replied.
“I know it’s too high for me to climb, but it sure is beautiful,” remarked Benedict.
All the Eggs smiled. They remember how Benedict wanted to climb Uluru in Australia.
“We will keep in touch! Sayonara, Takumi!” the Eggs shouted as they left to board the plane.
Ms. Poach handed the Eggs their envelope to their next destination. “One, two, three, go,” she said as they tore them apart.
“India? You mean like Indians live there, like bows and arrows and teepees and stuff?” asked Benedict.
“Oh Benedict,” said Ms. Poach. “Not at all. You have much to learn about India. And you will.”
She warmly smiled as the plane departed.
Family Activity
Plan your own tea ceremony – you can use plain water or real tea if your kids like it! Make little tea cookies to go along with your afternoon fun. Don’t forget to take off your shoes!
Look up some fun facts about Mt. Fuji. What is its highest elevation?
I’ll see you next month as the Eggs start their adventures in India!
Wishing you all GOOD things,
